Sentence example with the word 'engulfing'


Last update: November 3, 2015


A great wave of secularity rolled over the Church, engulfing the religious orders with the rest; love waxed cold, fervour languished; learning declined, discipline was relaxed, bitter rivalries broke out, especially between Franciscans and Dominicans.   [Please select]


It rolled on and on, sweeping a mass of fugitives before it, and engulfing others.   [Please select]


_" A wave of sick disgust swept through the young man, momentarily engulfing his power of speech."   [Please select]


What did it matter what they said or did here in this engulfing quiet.   [Please select]


Not even the Great Armada lost more vessels than Don Bazan did in that wreck-engulfing week.   [Please select]


I dismounted, and wet and shivering stood by my horse, which hung its head, and restlessly lifted its feet by turns as if it already felt the engulfing power of the moss.   [Please select]


And the river, now deep, now shallow, now smooth, now tumultuous, now sparkling in sunshine, now gloomy under clouds, rolled on to the engulfing sea.   [Please select]

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engulfed - engulfing - engulfment