(See especially Charles's Book of Enoch.) The doctrine of the resurrection of the righteous to life in the heavenly world became engrafted on to the old doctrine of Sheol, or the dark shadowy underworld (Hades), where life was joyless and feeble, and from which the soul might be for a brief space summoned forth by the arts of the necromancer. [Please select]
It may have been borrowed from India, but it was engrafted on the Christian system. [Please select]
Luther was broader; Calvin engrafted on his reforms the Old Testament observances. [Please select]
They refused to submit to European culture--to be engrafted on a foreign stock. [Please select]
Such are, in a brief outline, the principal symptoms of this typhus, which, when once engrafted on the economy, pursues its fatal march, and no treatment can then arrest its evolution. [Please select]
Their standard--any old kind of a medical or religious training, two weeks or longer, engrafted on anyone who has the money to pay for the course. [Please select]
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