Sentence example with the word 'energizing'


activating, bracing, crisp, exciting, galvanic, inviting, provoking, revitalization, stimulation, vitalization

Definition adj. supplying motive force

Last update: October 23, 2015


Thus (2) the Holy Spirit appears as directing and energizing throughout the whole struggle with the powers of evil to be overcome in either ministry, of Master or disciples.   [Please select]


_Ideas, then, when latent, may be considered as possessing an energizing influence_.   [Please select]


Sullivan, awake among the sleepers, drenches us with bucketfuls of cold, tonic, energizing truth.   [Please select]


Hence the whole of the telestic science energizing theurgically ascends as far as to this order.   [Please select]


Why, then, did the energizing effect of climate apparently have less effect upon them than upon the other great races.   [Please select]

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energizes - energizing - energy