Sentence example with the word 'emulating'


Last update: September 1, 2015


His accent appeared when he was too stressed to be concerned about emulating the flat, cultured accent of the political elite.   [Please select]


Every government is thus involuntarily reduced to the necessity of emulating one another in the increase of their armies.   [Please select]


Often, side by side with the men, women could be seen emulating their husbands in the severe task of felling timber and making a clearing in the forest.   [Please select]


Uncorseted, her clinging dress with every step and turn betrays, In pretty and provoking ways her adolescent loveliness, As guiding Gaby or Lucile she dances, emulating them In each disturbing stratagem and each lascivious appeal.   [Please select]


Harry was with Stonewall Jackson when the news of these movements reached them, brought by Philip Sherburne, who, emulating his commander, Turner Ashby, seemed never to rest or grow weary.   [Please select]


These men were emulating a class of outlaws to be found in large numbers in Italy and Sicily, and were trading upon human sympathy and levying a tax upon human friendship.   [Please select]


She even took her sock to the tennis court, and, emulating the example of Patricia Marshall and several other enthusiasts, got quite good pieces done between the sets.   [Please select]


Queen, true to his class, and emulating Blue with the same magnificent effrontery and with the same paralyzing suddenness of surprise, had appeared as if by magic at the last night camp of the Isbel faction.   [Please select]


Imitating the example, and emulating the confidence of their more experienced associates, Munro and Duncan slept without fear, if not without uneasiness.   [Please select]


"My son Anatole is accompanying me on his way to the army, so I hope you will allow him personally to express the deep respect that, emulating his father, he feels for you."   [Please select]

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emulates - emulating - emulation