Sentence example with the word 'elongating'


Last update: August 25, 2015


Amongst indefinite forms the simplest occurs when a lateral shoot produced in the axil of a large single foliage leaf of the plant ends in a single flower, the axis of the plant elongating beyond, as in Veronica hederifolia, Vinca minor and Lysimachia nemorum.   [Please select]


I invented a machine for elongating it, but his mother won't let me use it.   [Please select]


159), gradually elongating into a loop hanging down within the little animal, and forming a digestive cavity.   [Please select]


How do you account for the elongating of the face.   [Please select]


His butter-ball body was elongating, and his huge feet and legs were beginning to shape up.   [Please select]


He omitted, therefore, reference to the demoniac rages which turned the home into an inferno, and to the quarrels over the machine for elongating the baby's nose.   [Please select]


_Hydra viridis_ is a more sluggish animal than the other species of its genus and does not possess the same power of elongating its column and tentacles.   [Please select]

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elongates - elongating - elongation