- Schubert, De Romanorum Aedilibus (1828); Hoffmann, De Aedilibus Romanis (1842); G011, De Aedilibus sub Caesarum Imperio (1860); Labatut, Les Ediles et les mccurs 0868); MarquardtMommsen, Handbuch der romischen Altertiimer, ii. [Please select]
Towards this period, also (559), theatrical representations were first given by the ediles. [Please select]
The right then devolved on the consuls, afterward on the praetor, and in certain cases on the curule and plebeian ediles, who were charged with the internal police of the city. [Please select]
Under the empire the praetors were greatly increased; under Tiberius there were sixteen who administered justice, besides the consuls, six ediles, and ten tribunes of the people. [Please select]
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