Sentence example with the word 'ecologic'


Definition adj. characterized by the interdependence of living organisms in an environment

Last update: September 25, 2015


The economic and ecologic significance of insects in the diet of birds is often oversimplified.   [Please select]


Therefore, in its ecologic relationships with many other species, it is a density dependent predator.   [Please select]


Ecologic relationships of four small mammals in western Washington.   [Please select]


Within these zones certain ecologic communities can be recognized; these represent several biotic provinces.   [Please select]


_) noted also that the avifauna of the Sierra del Carmen, due to its insularity, is unbalanced and stated that "as a consequence of unbalance, species that are present show ecologic extension and unusual numerical relations."   [Please select]


At least in this type of environment, an extension or expansion of the ecologic habits of the related types takes place when some species are absent.   [Please select]

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eclosion - ecologic - ecological