Sentence example with the word 'echelon'


battle array, close formation, disposition, formation, open order, place, precedence, rate, sphere, station, tier

Definition n. a body of troops arranged in a line

Last update: July 6, 2015


People in the higher echelon of the society often fail to understand the problems of a commoner.   [Please select]


It showed two large bright lights flying across the blue sky in an echelon formation.   [Please select]


But for all that the magic still bathes its heady glow across the land and our world is echelon, Atlantis Echelon.   [Please select]


The Altai, the still unnamed complex of the Minusinsk Mountains, the intricate mountain-chains of Sayan, with those of the Olekma, Vitim and Aldan all arranged en echelon - the former from N.W.   [Please select]


And the boats pulled out nearer, and by an echelon movement took their places in line.   [Please select]


Division lapped upon division, regiment upon regiment, extending the circle of investment by an irregular echelon.   [Please select]


At that second, just as the Risaldar and his handful burst through the mob and the mob began rushing wildly out of his way, the British bugles blared out the command to advance in echelon.   [Please select]

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echelles - echelon - echeloned