Sentence example with the word 'dulling'


abating, analgesic, assuasive, blunting, cushioning, demulcent, lenitive, narcotic, purgative, remedial, stupefying

Last update: July 12, 2015


An odd sense entered her mind, dulling her senses.   [Please select]


Anarchism aims to strip labor of its deadening, dulling aspect, of its gloom and compulsion.   [Please select]


Emmet Prendergast stood listening to the dulling hoof-beats a moment, then reëntered the cabin.   [Please select]


The men on the Factory veranda smoked, the disks of their cigars dulling and glowing.   [Please select]


"They're not," he replied, hotly, with a subtle rush of disillusion, a dulling of enchantment.'   [Please select]


It is a smell I have never met since without a sort of dulling of spirit.   [Please select]


The only means by which he can escape from this suffering is by blunting his conscience, but even if some men succeed in dulling their conscience they cannot dull their fears.   [Please select]


If there were no external means of dulling their sensibilities, half of mankind would shoot themselves without delay, for to live in opposition to one's reason is the most intolerable condition.   [Please select]

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dullest - dulling - dullish