Sentence example with the word 'druidic'


Last update: October 15, 2015


The generous and enlightened policy of the imperial administration asked nothing of the people of Gaul but military service and the payment of the tax; in return it freed individuals from patronal domination, the people from oligarchic greed or Druidic excommunication, and every one in general from material anxiety.   [Please select]


When the stronger and more civilised Celt came he drove before him these little dark men, he enslaved their survivors or wedded their women, and in his turn fell into slavery to the cruel Druidic religion of his subjects.   [Please select]


His feelings found vent even as he came to the foot of the platform where he was to make his last stand, and the guards formed a square about the great pillars, glooming like Druidic altars.   [Please select]


The obelisks of the Egyptians and the curious stone pillars of the Druidic age also probably served as shadow-casters.   [Please select]

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druid - druidic - druidical