Insurance against old age and invalidity comprehends all persons who have entered upon their 17th year, and who belong to one of the following classes of wage-earners: artisans, apprentices, domestic servants, dressmakers, charwomen, laundresses, seamstresses, housekeepers, foremen, engineers, journeymen, clerks and apprentices in shops (excepting assistants and apprenticesin chemists shops), schoolmasters, schoolmistresses, teachers and governesses, provided the earnings do not exceed 100 per annum. [Please select]
"They have to get married, or be dressmakers, or sten'graphers, or something like that."' [Please select]
Corot's parents were Parisians of the purest dye, having been court-dressmakers to Napoleon I. [Please select]
The women, if not all patrons of the ranking "houses" and dressmakers, were correct. [Please select]
Milliners, sewing-maids and dressmakers were working day and night. [Please select]
Some of the dressmakers' windows were full of beautiful costumes. [Please select]
Then you'll be big enough to look after each other while I am with the dressmakers.' [Please select]
The kitchen was covered with the litter of dressmakers preparing for the wedding. [Please select]
Barnum had once brought to Ripton was not half as interesting as this immaculate and mysterious production of foreign dressmakers and French maids, but he refrained from betraying it. [Please select]
Dressmakers and tailors still go a-begging among the Pueblo people, and no attention whatever is paid to Parisian dictators of fashion. [Please select]
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