Sentence example with the word 'dragomans'


Last update: July 25, 2015


The original employment of dragomans by the Turkish government arose from its religious scruples to use any language save those of peoples which had adopted Islamism.   [Please select]


] French culture had been introduced into the principalities by the Phanariote princes who, as dragomans of the Porte, had to know the language, and usually employed French secretaries for themselves and French tutors for their children.   [Please select]


Downs and her niece, with all the tourists in Constantinople, were placed in open carriages by their dragomans, and driven in a long procession to the Seraglio to see the Sultan's treasures.   [Please select]


It certainly isn't a sign that a person cares for you because she prefers to look at your profile rather than at what the dragomans are trying to show her.   [Please select]

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dragoman - dragomans - dragon