Definitionn. rare plover of upland areas of Eurasia
Last update: August 27, 2015
Indeed, in many species of Limicolae, as the dotterel, the godwits (q.v.), phalaropes and perhaps some others, the female is larger and more brightly coloured than the male, who in such cases seems to take upon himself some at least of the domestic duties. [Please select]
"--The Ring Dotterel is very common in all the Islands in places suited to it." [Please select]
In short, whatever the fowler does, the Dotterel does the same. [Please select]
Its name is the Ringed Plover, or Ringed Dotterel. [Please select]
"--The common Dotterel is a rare occasional visitant to the Channel Islands, occurring, however, on both the spring and autumn migration, as Mr." [Please select]
The Ring Dotterel must therefore have selected some breeding-place separate from the Kentish Plover, probably not very far off; but I do not believe it breeds at all commonly in the Islands. [Please select]
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