They maun be fetched for the sales, and they're dooms slow to lift.' [Please select]
"The prison," he said, "wasna sae dooms bad a place as it was ca'd."' [Please select]
"I tauld ye I wasna that dooms stupid, if it cam to lifting things." [Please select]
"Strange dooms past hope or fear" of which we all partake. [Please select]
Swords flashed, long-barreled pistols roared out their sullen death dooms. [Please select]
[1] For example, parts of the "Common Law" can be traced back, through English "dooms" (decisions or laws), to prehistoric times. [Please select]
Its insistence on placing the basis of religion in myth and miracle dooms it to a greater disaster in the future than even in the past. [Please select]
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