The old eorls and ealdormen were warriors; and yet to them had been committed the administration of justice, which they often abused,--frequently deciding cases against the verdicts of jurors, and sometimes unjustly dooming innocent men to capital punishment. [Please select]
I felt like a judge who had to pronounce sentence upon him--dooming his dearest hopes to painful and instant death. [Please select]
"No enemy of yours, since I am taking you to a place where, if I were recognised, cold iron for my heels and hemp for my throat would be my brief dooming." [Please select]
I think that the pomp itself, the lord and the lackeys, the fine house, and all her state struck as it were cold at my heart, dooming to failure the mad appeal which they could not smother. [Please select]
] [Footnote 765: Adams, _A Crisis in Dooming Street_, p. [Please select]
The laws pertaining to debt were severe, and were most disgraceful in dooming a debtor to the absolute power of a creditor. [Please select]
Sakr-el-Bahr's sea-hawks called upon him, reminding him of their fidelity and love, and asking could he repay it now by dooming them all thus to destruction. [Please select]
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