Sentence example with the word 'dolour'


Definition n. (poetry) painful grief

Last update: July 12, 2015


From the burn of Dollar (or Dolour), which runs through the ravine of Dollar Glen, the town draws its watersupply.   [Please select]


"Do not give yourself a moment's discomposure or dolour."   [Please select]


_ Dolour[395-4] comes to him, indeed; you have spoken truer than you purposed.   [Please select]


Then there was weeping and dolour out of measure.   [Please select]


You will forgive me, Miss Bellenden; but your present distress augurs ill for my brother's future happiness, and I must needs say that he does not merit all these expressions of dislike and dolour, and that they seem an odd return for an attachment which he has manifested so long, and in so many ways.   [Please select]


--Sister, pray see it got ready--And, although the bold adventurer, Heavysterne, dree'd pain and dolour in that charmed apartment, it is no reason why a gallant knight like you, nearly twice as tall, and not half so heavy, should not encounter and break the spell.   [Please select]

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dolors - dolour - dolours