Sentence example with the word 'dolmens'


Last update: October 10, 2015


Dolmens (probably to be regarded as a simpler form of the tomba dei giganti, inasmuch as specimens with chambers elongated after their first construction have been found) and menhirs are also present in Sardinia, though the former are very rare - that known as Sa Perda e S'altare, near the railway to the south of Macomer is illustrated by A.   [Please select]


I later examined three circular mounds, but in them I found no dolmens.   [Please select]


Most if not all dolmens were originally covered with earth.   [Please select]


Denis and Carton have excavated the megalithic necropolis of Teboursouk, whose tombs are stone circles, with one or more small dolmens in the centre.   [Please select]


"As to the form of the monuments, it is very variable at different ages; there are some covered passages or chambers completely closed, some dolmens with openings like those of India."   [Please select]

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