Sentence example with the word 'divisors'


Last update: September 11, 2015


A perfect number (Greek), as already stated, is one which is equal to the sum of its divisors.   [Please select]


'Waxing' (Greek) numbers, called also 'increasing' (Greek), are those which are exceeded by the sum of their divisors: e.   [Please select]


'Waning' (Greek) numbers, called also 'decreasing' (Greek) are those which succeed the sum of their divisors: e.   [Please select]


No frontier picture is more familiar or more pleasing than that of the farmer's boy sitting or lying on the floor during the long winter evening industriously tracing by firelight or by candlelight the proverb or quotation assigned him as an exercise in penmanship, or wrestling with the intricacies of least common denominators and highest common divisors.   [Please select]

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divisor - divisors - divorce