Sentence example with the word 'distich'


Definition n. two items of the same kind

Last update: July 3, 2015


In the matter of the rhythms, caesuras and elisions which it allows, the metrical treatment is much more severe than that of Catullus, whose elegiacs are comparatively rude and barbarous; but it is not bound hand and foot, like the Ovidian distich, in a formal and conventional system.   [Please select]


Why was the chant arrested at the conclusion of this first distich.   [Please select]


A poet who has sung sweetly says, that:-- "Spring would be but gloomy weather, If we had nothing else but Spring;" and our own experience proclaims the truth conveyed in the distich.   [Please select]


The Masque being written by the King's express command, our author placed this distich in the front, when printed; Non habet ingenium: Cæsar sed jussit: habebo Cur me posse negem, posse quod ille putat.   [Please select]

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distention - distich - distichous