Sentence example with the word 'disregard'


abide with, brashness, cut dead, disesteem, give no heed, lassitude, minimize, obliviousness, refuse, slight, turn out

Definition n. lack of attention and due care

Last update: November 30, 2017


Her husbanded disregarded her feelings.   [adjective]


He shows a total disregard for his wife's feelings.   [adjective]


In three-way comparison, Ediff tries to disregard regions that consist entirely of white space.   [adjective]


Such blatant disregard for the simple principles behind a student union does not bode well for the politics of the future.   [adjective]


The stranger alone disregarded the passing incidents.   [adjective]


But he passed this trouble with his usual calmness and disregard of trifles.   [adjective]


This remarkable person united the seemingly inconsistent qualities of courage and cruelty, a disinterested and devoted loyalty to his prince, with a disregard of the rights of his fellow-subjects.   [Please select]


For the sake of brevity, I will disregard the testimony of ecclesiastical history and Christian theology: this subject deserves a separate treatise, and I propose hereafter to return to it.   [Please select]


It would be useless to reply, The corruption of morals; the disregard for the ancient poverty; the debaucheries, luxury, and class jealousies; the seditious character of the Gracchi, &c.   [Please select]


Dion feared nothing from the royal boy on his own account, but for his wife's sake he dared not disregard his friend's warning.   [Please select]


If the legislator did know the law of the possible, and disregarded it, what must be thought of his justice.   [Please select]

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disquisitions - disregard - disregarded