Sentence example with the word 'disproof'


abjuration, abrogation, annulment, contrary assertion, controversion, crossing, disaffirmation, disavowal, disclamation, forswearing, impugnment, recantation, renunciation, retractation, revocation

Definition n. any evidence that helps to establish the falsity of something

Last update: October 15, 2015


It is to be noted that his own letters contain, both at this time and later on, express disproof of that miraculous gift of tongues with which he was credited even in his lifetime, and which is attributed to him in the Breviary office for his festival.   [Please select]


He gave instances of disproof in his own unended career.   [Please select]


Not susceptible of proof or disproof, it certainly explains three things: 1.   [Please select]


His own reasoning, in disproof of this theory, was entirely characteristic of the man.   [Please select]


The charge of immorality is so easily made and so difficult of disproof that it has been flung promiscuously at all the great men of history, including, in our own country.   [Please select]


The constant discussion of some dogma and disproof of some dogma inevitably begets in a certain order of mind the temper to discuss and distrust ALL dogma.   [Please select]

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dispraise - disproof - disproportion