Sentence example with the word 'dislodges'


Last update: June 26, 2015


In dropping it dislodges the detent of the reducing slide, and the slide springs forward and reduces the flow of the sugar.   [Please select]


She dislodges the owner of a half-stocked cell, keeps good watch for a long time on the threshold of the home and, when she feels herself the mistress of the house, goes on with the provisioning.   [Please select]


He would have grinned still more, perhaps have laughed outright if he had understood that the occasional off-hand kicks which Disco bestowed on a thick bush here and there, were given in the hope that a lion might thereby be set up, as one dislodges a rabbit or a hare.   [Please select]

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dislodgement - dislodges - dislodging