Sentence example with the word 'disharmony'


antagonism, contradiction, disarticulation, disjunction, dissonance, faction, inharmonious harmony, noncooperation, randomness, tunelessness, wolf

Definition n. a lack of harmony

Last update: October 25, 2015


All their former disharmony and her own jealousy recurred to her mind.   [Please select]


A disharmony cannot be associated with a psychical or a pathological status.   [Please select]


These young and able men, having renounced their earlier socialism, their sense of humor recognizing its disharmony with high salaries and pleasant living, were hot for Democracy.   [Please select]


If a model has a disharmony, it has to correct itself based on IR or based on an internal change (IR is not available in any situation).   [Please select]

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disharmonies - disharmony - dishcloth