Sentence example with the word 'discrediting'


Last update: September 12, 2015


They have been regarded as a fiction invented later by the enemies of Epicureanism, with the view of discrediting the most powerful work ever produced by any disciple of that sect.   [Please select]


At once the duchess had retaliated by discrediting the king's representative in Brunnstadt.   [Please select]


There is another reason for discrediting the assertions of the old chroniclers in this respect.   [Please select]


The opposition press naturally saw in it an entire discrediting of both factions of the Democratic party, and absolute proof that the nominee finally selected was unfit for office.   [Please select]


The factions which had defeated his appointment to the Department of State seemed bent upon discrediting him and his policies.   [Please select]

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discredited - discrediting - discredits