Sentence example with the word 'disarrayed'


Definition adj. in disarray

Last update: July 28, 2015


And whoso mounts by this dismantled stair Finds the old pleasure-hall, long disarrayed, Brick-tiled and raftered, and the walls foursquare Ringed all about with a twofold arcade.   [Please select]


All but disarrayed, Here in eternal doubt sweet Psyche stood Fain of the bath's delight, yet still afraid Lest aught in that palatial solitude Lurked of most menace to a helpless maid.   [Please select]


When I entered, she was standing, her arms spread out across the door, her face pale, her eyes large and dark, her attire still disarrayed.   [Please select]

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disarray - disarrayed - disarticulate