Sentence example with the word 'diplomas'


Last update: October 28, 2015


Before opening a private school the person proposing to do so must give notice to the mayor, prefect and academy rnspector, and forward his diplomas and other particulars to the latter official.   [Please select]


All they need do would be to walk round me, and, after that, take their diplomas.   [Please select]


Addresses were given, essays read, songs sung, the public award of diplomas, prizes and medals made.   [Please select]


"Eben Brooks an' Richard Bean got home yesterday with their doctors' diplomas in their pockets."'   [Please select]


"We have to study very hard in order to earn our diplomas as nurses."   [Please select]


And he would point out, in contrast, the precious diplomas which were adorning his desk, the metal vases and other trophies won in the fairs by the descendants of his blooded stock.   [Please select]


Besides, he was the one who had introduced Laurier to his home; the two held diplomas as industrial engineers and had been close friends from their school days.   [Please select]

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diplomaed - diplomas - diplomat