Sentence example with the word 'diffuses'


Last update: July 4, 2015


The unity of procedure consists in the fact that every sacrifice involves putting the divine in communication with the profane by an intermediary - the victim - which may be piacular or honorific, a messenger or a means of divination, a means of alimenting the eternal life of the species or a source of magical energy which the rite diffuses over objects in its neighbourhood.   [Please select]


That diffuses itself all through the body, permeates.   [Please select]


"Ah diffuses ter 'cep' yo' insult, Rickey Snydah," she said.'   [Please select]


This is the key to the power of the greatest men,--their spirit diffuses itself.   [Please select]


A softened light diffuses itself over earth and sky.   [Please select]


He diffuses even a sort of impression as if he were a good deal too large for his sphere, like the helmet of such portentous size in the courtyard of Otranto.   [Please select]

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diffusers - diffuses - diffusible