Sentence example with the word 'dictators'


Last update: July 27, 2015


Foiled by the dictators stubbornness, Cavour had once more to take to underhand methods; and, while continuing futile negotiations with King Francis, sent his agents into Naples to stir up disaffection and create a sentiment in favor of national unity strong enough, in any event, to force Garibaldis hand.   [Please select]


In the space of only twenty-six years, from 390 to 416, there were eighteen dictators.   [Please select]


The Irish parliament had hitherto been a mere body of perpetual dictators.   [Please select]


The governors and ambassadors, as well as the dictators, were selected by this body of aristocrats.   [Please select]


Not all the dictators, however, were selfish tyrants, nor all the liberators mere pretenders.   [Please select]


THE AGE OF THE DICTATORS Independence without liberty and statehood without respect for law are phrases which sum up the situation in Spanish America after the failure of Bolivar's "great design."   [Please select]


Embarking on a British warship he sailed for England, there to become a quiet country gentleman in a land where gauchos and dictators were unhonored.   [Please select]

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dictatorial - dictators - dictatorship