Sentence example with the word 'diatoms'


Last update: August 26, 2015


The study of phylogeny has suggested fourteen classes arranged in the following sequence: (1) Bacteria; (2) Cyanophyceae (Blue-green algae); (3) Flagellatae; (4) Myxomycetes (Slime-fungi); (5) Pendineae; (6) Conjugatae; (7) Diatomaceae (Diatoms); (8) Fleteroconteae; (9) Chlorophyceae (Green Algae); (10) Characeae (Stoneworts); (II) Rhodophyceae (Red Algae); (12) Eumycetes (Fungi);   [Please select]


There are also some very minute forms of vegetable life, which exist in equally vast numbers, called Diatoms.   [Please select]


The diatoms have each one a tiny shell or shield, not made of lime like the rhizopod-shells, but of flint.   [Please select]


Again, there is a kind of rock called Mountain Meal, which is entirely made up of the remains of diatoms.   [Please select]


These plants, called Diatoms, which live both in salt and fresh water, are single cells feeding and growing just like those we took from the water-butt, only that instead of a soft covering they build up a flinty skeleton.   [Please select]


This goes on very rapidly, and in this plant each new cell separates as it is formed, and the free diatoms move about quite actively in the water.   [Please select]


Although the cysts in the gizzard are frequently accompanied by diatoms, the latter are not invariably present.   [Please select]


Some animals may have yellowish or mustard coloration, primarily on the belly, the result of the accumulation of diatoms during long stays in the cooler waters to the north.   [Please select]


Among the porous substances used is kieselguhr, a silicious earth which consists chiefly of the skeletons of various species of diatoms.   [Please select]

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