In 1900 Bielefeldt found that a fulminate placed on top of an aromatic nitro compound, such as trinitrotoluene, formed a useful detonator; this discovery has been especially taken advantage of in Germany, in which country detonators of this nature are being largely employed. [Please select]
One of the best detonators is fulminate of mercury. [Please select]
It is often used mixed with potassium chlorate in detonators. [Please select]
~Detonators~, or caps, are metallic capsules, usually of copper, and resemble very long percussion caps. [Please select]
The detonators (which are often fired by electrical means) are placed inside these primers (Fig.) [Please select]
There was a box of detonators, and a lot of cord for fuses. [Please select]
In the manufacture of percussion caps and detonators the copper blanks are cut from copper strips and stamped to the required shape. [Please select]
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