Sentence example with the word 'detestably'


Definition adv. in an offensive and hateful manner

Last update: October 29, 2015


Bigot came down the steps, smiling detestably, and passed me with no more than a quick look.   [Please select]


But if I kill you, as I intend--" He smiled detestably, and motioned towards the couch, then turned to the door again as if to lock it."   [Please select]


As a matter of fact he acted detestably.   [Please select]


From the bedroom beside the sleeping-porch, his wife's detestably cheerful "Time to get up, Georgie boy," and the itchy sound, the brisk and scratchy sound, of combing hairs out of a stiff brush.   [Please select]


"It must be patent to you--it is rather detestably patent to every one, I suppose, if it comes to that--that I am condemned to be of precious little use to myself or any one else."   [Please select]


And I know I could go to the devil as few men have ever gone, magnificently, detestably, with subtleties and refinements of iniquity.   [Please select]

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detestable - detestably - detestation