Sentence example with the word 'deters'


Last update: September 14, 2015


Some horses, good performers over any description of fence, will not jump water under any circumstances; while the chance of a ducking deters many from riding at it; and, however bold the horse may be, he will soon refuse water if his rider be perpetually in two minds when approaching it.   [Please select]


Smith is wounded, but with his musket deters the foe, killing several of the savages.   [Please select]


This is what deters me from being a politician.   [Please select]


All that deters me--I've never told you, have I, why I gave up before.   [Please select]


It does not matter what the peculiarity may be, provided only it in any way deters animals from eating the plant.   [Please select]


It is not a series of hills that deters the gasoline operator, but the one hill, the one grade, the one bad place, which is just beyond the power he has available.   [Please select]

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deterring - deters - detersive