Sentence example with the word 'determinable'


Definition adj. capable of being determined or limited or fixed

Last update: September 26, 2015


In the absence of express agreement or custom or statutory provision (such as is made by the Agricultural Holdings Act 1883), a tenancy from year to year is determinable on half a year's notice expiring at the end of some current year of the tenancy.   [Please select]


Herein alone are their shape, dimensions, and relations to each other determined or determinable.   [Please select]


It is, relatively to new states or conditions, determining, but not determinable.   [Please select]


He was discussing this matter with some friends on a rainy day in 1517--the month and the date not being determinable now.   [Please select]


These insects, recovered from beneath the perches, were the basis for all specific and generic determinations; other material was determinable only to order or to family.   [Please select]

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deteriorations - determinable - determinant