Sentence example with the word 'deteriorates'


Last update: July 6, 2015


The white potato, known as " batata inglez " (English potato), is grown in elevated localities, but it deteriorates so greatly after the first planting that fresh imported seed is necessary every second or third year.   [Please select]


The turkey deteriorates where the other kinds of poultry mentioned would improve.   [Please select]


It is said that this deteriorates when the animal leaves that locality.   [Please select]


It is best preserved in well-stoppered bottles, kept in a cool cellar, and in the dark; light, especially the direct sunshine, quickly deteriorates its odor.   [Please select]


Germany realized that labour is a national asset, that it deteriorates through unemployment, and that, for the common good, it has to be taken care of outside the works.   [Please select]

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deteriorated - deteriorates - deteriorating