Sentence example with the word 'depletion'


ablation, clearing, decrement, diminution, drainage, evacuation, extraction, loss, shortening, using up, wasting away

Definition n. the act of decreasing something markedly

Last update: August 6, 2015


The depletion of ozone layer is a serious problem.   [Please select]


Though irregular, his action was to some extent justified by the depletion of the secret service fund under Giolitti and by the abnormal circumstances prevailing in 1893-1894, when he had been obliged to quell the insurrections in Sicily and Massa-Carrara.   [Please select]


“Caribou”: Craig, 1927: 22 (Admiralty Inlet; former abundance; depletion by hunting).   [Please select]


_Rangifer arcticus_ (Richardson): Manning, 1943a: 47 (recent depletion by Eskimos); 49-52 (w.)   [Please select]


The system cannot endure depletion, therefore we must gain whatever we can through abstinence.   [Please select]


Deacon and Metcalf (1961:320) indicated that long periods of intermittency result in depletion or elimination of populations of the orange-throated darter in the Wakarusa River, Kansas.   [Please select]

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depleting - depletion - depletions