With immigrants called together from all Greece, as we learn from a psephisma passed by "boule and demos" of this town in 206 in honour of Magnesia on the Maeander (Kern, Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander, No. [Please select]
Beggars attack the common right; the ochlocracy rises against demos. [Please select]
Her real name, we are told, was Demos. [Please select]
Parrhasius, i, 150; his Demos and other Works, i, 150; the Olynthian Captive, i, 151; his Vanity, i, 152. [Please select]
This government by the "demos," the people, was often far from successful. [Please select]
It would be quite as absurd to entertain a similar expectation in regard to a class of men; the Demos, or any other. [Please select]
Democracy then was government by the commonalty, the Demos; it was government by the whole body of the citizens, by the many as distinguished from the few. [Please select]
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