Sentence example with the word 'demeaned'


Last update: June 17, 2015


His father, who was a wealthy man and possessed at any rate a smattering of Greek, Latin and French, was thought to have demeaned himself by marrying the daughter of an Andover tradesman, who afterwards retired to a country house near Reading, where young Jeremy spent many happy days.   [Please select]


You won't never be demeaned by that marriage, my man.   [Please select]


For years Miss Anna had sacrificially demeaned herself in the service of Harriet, who would now have felt herself a recreant friend unless she had promptly detailed every annoyance of her life.   [Please select]


He thought all trades low, and resolved hereafter to hold as little communication as possible with the boy who had so far demeaned himself as to be learning one.   [Please select]

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demean - demeaned - demeaning