Sentence example with the word 'delphinium'


Definition n. any plant of the genus Delphinium having palmately divided leaves and showy spikes of variously colored spurred flowers

Last update: September 1, 2015


The flowers of delphinium are blue in colour.   [Please select]


Nearly all the species of plants which grow on these prairies are common to Europe (paeonics, Hemerocallis, asters, pinks, gentians, violets, Cypripedium, Aquilegia, Delphinium, aconites, irises and so on), but here the plants attain a much greater size; a man standing erect is often hidden by the grasses.   [Please select]


See--by this big tree are speedwell and delphinium.   [Please select]


* * * * * The gardener had gone to the War, and Veronica was in the garden, weeding the delphinium border.   [Please select]


The instances of annuals varying by buds, or producing on the same plant {408} differently coloured flowers, are comparatively rare: Hopkirk[952] has seen this with _Convolvulus tricolor_; and it is not rare with the Balsam and annual Delphinium.   [Please select]


I have found that the white varieties of Delphinium consolida and of the Stock are the truest.   [Please select]


I infer this from certain annual larkspurs (Delphinium consolida and ajacis), of which common seedlings present a greater diversity of colour than any other plant known to me; yet on procuring seed of five named German varieties of D.   [Please select]

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