Sentence example with the word 'deists'


Last update: October 15, 2015


Later criticism, orthodox and heterodox, upon the English deists inclines to charge them with the conception of a divine absentee, who wound up the machine of nature and left it to run untended.   [Please select]


The Socinians, deists in all other respects, admit an original revelation.   [Please select]


The deists did not attack Christian revelation, still less belief in God.   [Please select]


203) is to be classed among the deists or among their opponents.   [Please select]


It was inevitable that the doctrines of original sin, of satisfaction and atonement should prove especially objectionable to the purely rational temper of the deists.   [Please select]


Although it was often defended and applied with violence and with a superfluous hatred of the clergy, it forms the justifiable element in the endeavors of the deists.   [Please select]

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deistical - deists - deities