Sentence example with the word 'decrying'


Last update: August 28, 2015


In a paper on a " Proposed New Version of the Bible " he paraphrased a few verses of the first chapter of Job, making them a satiric attack on royal government; but the version may well rank with these hoaxes, and even modern writers have been taken in by it, regarding it as a serious proposal for a " modernized " version and decrying it as poor taste.   [Please select]


I am not decrying the superior advantages of our modern times.   [Please select]


Still, the cynics are wrong in decrying the eagerness to buy painters who are in fashion.   [Please select]


"I am not decrying the higher education of women."   [Please select]


In short from all quarters the public press, whatever its sympathy, united in decrying war as a useless effort doomed to failure if undertaken in the hope of restoring the Union.   [Please select]


Count Quinnox has taken the precaution to advise the Prime Minister of his approach and has impressed upon him the importance of decrying any sort of popular demonstration against him on his arrival.   [Please select]

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decry - decrying - decuman