This spawn may be obtained from old pastures, or decayed mushroom beds, and is purchased from nurserymen in the form of bricks charged with the mycelium, and technically known as mushroom spawn. [Please select]
"Yet the fruit of every tree I planted degenerated and decayed." [Please select]
The floors were shaky and the place had the odour of decayed wood. [Please select]
"May I humbly ask if these decayed gentlewomen are to inhabit their palatial retreat rent-free." [Please select]
The fame of Cicero flourishes at present; but that of Aristotle is utterly decayed. [Please select]
They nest anywhere in hollow trees, being found very frequently in decayed stubs of apple trees. [Please select]
They sometimes completely honeycomb the exterior surface of decayed trees, with holes designed to hold acorns. [Please select]
Nest of strips of bark on the ground in an old decayed stump. [Please select]
I have found by far the greater number in decayed birch stubs. [Please select]
In many parts generation after generation of trees lived and died and decayed, leaving no trace of their existence, beyond a little layer of black mould, soon to be carried away by wind and water. [Please select]
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