Sentence example with the word 'daunted'


affrighted, chickenhearted, cowed, fearful, henhearted, lily-livered, mousy, panicky, sissy, timorous, weak-kneed

Definition adj. caused to show discomposure

Last update: August 21, 2015


Nothing daunted, Catherine herself besought Gregory, who, indeed, was himself so minded, to return, and he did so, in September (taking the sea route from Marseilles to Genoa), though perhaps intending only to make a temporary stay in Italy.   [Please select]


Dick himself was somewhat daunted by the aspect of the herd.   [Please select]


The men-at-arms were daunted, for no armor seemed proof against the shot of this tremendous archer.   [Please select]


Philip was vanquished, and he knew it, but he was not daunted, he was not distressed.   [Please select]


He felt curiously daunted and curiously attracted by the peculiar fact.   [Please select]


Somewhat daunted by this reception, Jo hesitated on the threshold, murmuring in much embarrassment.   [Please select]


Pronounce: Granada; Senor; ponderous; ghastly; obliterated; route; gaunt; hovel; curmudgeon; daunted.   [Please select]


He seemed not at all daunted by the news of Dieskau's rapid advance.   [Please select]


Even a man of courage may well be daunted by the terrific power of the sea when it is roused to such an exhibition.   [Please select]


Here we see how little he had been daunted by ill success, and how his prodigious imagination had not been overcome by sorrow and evil fortune.   [Please select]

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daunt - daunted - daunting