Among other notable Lepidopterous pests are the " surface larvae " or cutworms (Agrotis spp.), the caterpillars of various Noctuae; the codling moth (Carpocapsa pomonella), which causes the maggot in apples, has now become a universal pest, having spread from Europe to America and to most of the British Colonies. [Please select]
Now if you are talking about cutworms or fishworms, father is right. [Please select]
Note the expression of satisfaction after a successful night of foraging for cutworms and June-beetles. [Please select]
He eats many kinds of insects, Moths, Flies, Cutworms, Beetles, Lizards, Frogs and Scorpions. [Please select]
Canker-worms are a _bon bouche_ to them; so are grubs and caterpillars, especially cutworms. [Please select]
Where were times, too--when he had a touch of malaria and again when the cutworms slaughtered two rows of his early tomatoes--when he yearned unspeakably for the solace of an evening at the Hampton tavern. [Please select]
Their food is various forms of insects, beetles, grasshoppers, cutworms, larvæ, sometimes varied by the seeds of grasses and weeds, wild cherries, and berries. [Please select]
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