There are manufactures of paper and coarse cutlery, and a high school. [Please select]
Giggling and laughter and the clattering of cutlery and crockery succeed. [Please select]
Cannot one rover attend the funeral of another without all this crowding and display of cutlery. [Please select]
His fine clothes, silverware, china, and cutlery he bought in English markets. [Please select]
It also includes the plants for the manufacture of machinery, cutlery, and pottery. [Please select]
You want china, cut glass, silver cutlery, and linen. [Please select]
This son of a narrow, hard, Scotch dealer in cutlery, this drifter about town when New York was only a big slovenly village, this light-hearted scribbler of satire and sentiment, was a gentleman born. [Please select]
Often, watching her sparkling mood, that showed itself in a dozen laughing tricks with cutlery or glass, mystified, he asked himself: "Does she realize what this means." [Please select]
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