Sentence example with the word 'cuticle'


coat, fell, flesh, furring, imitation fur, integument, leather, outer layer, pelt, rawhide, sheath, skins, vair

Definition n. the dead skin at the base of a fingernail or toenail

Last update: September 6, 2015


Massage the cuticles on your fingers.   [Please select]


During this stage the cuticle draws away from the imaginal cuticle which is forming beneath, ultimately becoming separated as a thin transparent pellicle through which the form of the adult can be seen.   [Please select]


CHAPTER V That was Clem Sypher's Dragon--Jebusa Jones's Cuticle Remedy.   [Please select]


It was going to smash Jebusa Jones's Cuticle Remedy to the shreds of its ointment boxes.   [Please select]


Cuticula: = cuticle: specifically applied to the outer or chitinized layer: see epidermis and hypodermis.   [Please select]


The cuticle moreover is by no means wholly external.   [Please select]


It is noteworthy that in an immature cockroach the entire dorsal cuticle is hard and firm.   [Please select]


8 _a_), then the legs clasp the empty cuticle, and the abdomen is drawn out (fig.   [Please select]


In a short time he came to the repair shop very much the worse for wear, with an impaired digestion and a cuticle that showed unmistakable evidence of scurvy.   [Please select]


He had a certain ecstasy in the pain when she gnawed at the cuticle of his nails with a sharp knife.   [Please select]

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cutgrass - cuticle - cuticula