Jumbles of boulders, sand, gravel, and steep cutbanks, are characteristic of the channels of dry washes, these areas supporting sparse vegetation. [Please select]
That part of the line amid the boulders and cutbanks of the wash took mostly _Peromyscus eremicus fraterculus_ and _Neotoma lepida intermedia_, while _Perognathus fallax fallax_, _Dipodomys agilis agilis_, and _Peromyscus maniculatus gambeli_ were taken in the adjacent sage flats. [Please select]
Below Graham Canyon three fairly recently inhabited dens of coyotes were found in the cutbanks at the edge of a dry wash in December of 1951. [Please select]
The cutbanks were six to ten feet high, and the dens were dug into the banks about three feet above the floor of the wash. [Please select]
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