Generally the hair varies in the same way all over the body in length, fineness, and curliness. [Please select]
The hair also of their manes and tails is invariably much shorter than usual, being only from four to twelve inches in length; so that curliness and shortness of the hair are here, as with the negro, apparently correlated. [Please select]
The hair also of the mane and tail is invariably much shorter than usual, being only from four {326} to twelve inches in length; so that curliness and shortness of the hair are here, as with the negro, apparently correlated. [Please select]
Rubbing "all over" also encourages curliness--a fatal fault in the breeds mentioned--and this is an additional reason for care. [Please select]
The usual faults of toy Poms are "apple-headedness"--a term which explains itself--scarcity of coat, coarseness in head or leg, tails badly carried, big ears, or protuberant eyes, legginess and weediness, or curliness. [Please select]
The faults of both breeds are generally too much leg, long heads and noses, instead of the big round skulls desired; small eyes, and curliness--the latter a direful mistake. [Please select]
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