Of the business centre of the city is the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, a fine stone building on a commanding site, and containing a large collection of Hawaiian and Polynesian relics and curios, especially Hawaiian feather-work, and notable collections of fish and of Hawaiian land shells and birds. [Please select]
Donan as one of the architectural curios of the world. [Please select]
Armitage,--" "Among the other curios, Miss Claiborne," laughed John, taking her hand." [Please select]
They have an art gallery and rooms full of curios, just like a museum. [Please select]
And she _loves_ to fuss over old books and curios. [Please select]
She can actually tell _me_ some things about my own curios. [Please select]
"As if I could tell _you_ anything about antiques and curios." [Please select]
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