Sentence example with the word 'crocheting'


Definition n. needlework done by interlocking looped stitches with a hooked needle

Last update: August 8, 2015


Although Sarah spent most of her time in the garden or crocheting, Lisa soon discovered her favorite hobby was shopping, which she did at least once a week.   [Please select]


The head of the gypsy bent lower and lower over her crocheting.   [Please select]


Ernestine Johanson and Ethel Zimmerman were crocheting some luncheon sets.   [Please select]


There are in addition other ways of preparing cottons for embroidery, crocheting, or knitting, not to mention methods used to finish cotton yarn so that it will look like woolen, linen, or silk fiber.   [Please select]


When she had a supply of teamster's heavy mittens, she began on fancy coloured ones for babies and children, sometimes crocheting, sometimes using needles.   [Please select]

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