Sentence example with the word 'cowsheds'


Last update: August 7, 2015


Liquid manure, consisting of the drainings of dung-heaps, stables, cowsheds, &c., or of urine collected from dwelling houses or other sources, is a most valuable and powerful stimulant, and can be readily applied to the roots of growing plants.   [Please select]


What was the state of our cowsheds fifty years ago.   [Please select]


There it lay below, ramshackle and desolate, a rough wall around; flanked by outbuildings--barn and cowsheds.   [Please select]


About it were cowsheds and stabling and such-like offices.   [Please select]


Then he would go into the cowsheds and unfasten the chains that fixed each beast in its own stall, and let them fall with a heavy clang to the ground.   [Please select]


"If I have to go back to Ohio now," he said in that soft reflective voice of his, "I'll put up cowsheds--later on, barns--and maybe when I'm fifty, a moving picture theater."   [Please select]

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cowshed - cowsheds - cowskin